VideoHive Family Photo Album Slideshow
VideoHive Family Photo Album Slideshow
1920x1080 | CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 130mb
- Full 1920×1080 HD
- Video Tutorial
- Includes numerous shots that were not included in the preview video.
- Almost all shots with framed photos include; landscape, portrait, and square versions.
- Shots can be added, removed, rearranged or lengthened. So you can easily setup the project with only the shots you want to use.
- Since it was created entirely in AE, all aspects can be changed, including the addition or removal of background objects (i.e. maps, flag, penant, etc…) or the adjustment of camera moves and timing. This makes it easy to adjust the style to match the look you are going for.
- No plugins needed (Optical Flares version is included for those who want it.)
- All background elements are included (i.e. maps, flag, penant, etc…)
- The music used in the preview can be purchased here:
- The font used in the opening can be picked up here:
- The font used throughout the majority of the project can be picked up here:
Download:!mJFhER6R!cfwG-y4PF6Modm36OECf13NeAktqidhCbL7_GDk5lrUSource: Internet.
Bạn ơi khi mình rander AE thông báo 92 footage missing :( Cho mình hỏi làm thế nào với
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