Youtube Library
Youtube Library
3840x2160 | CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC2014 | 891mb
- Your personal library which makes your channel unique
- HTML and GIF previews for all animations
- Fast Render
- Works with image or video
- No plugins required
- Free updates and support
- Detailed video tutorial how to edit in Adobe After Effects
- Works with any font
- Works with After Effects CC, CC 2015, CC 2017, CC 2018
- Resolution – 4K, 2K, 1080
- Links for free font is included and music you can buy HERE and HERE and HERE
- Easy color change
- More than 150 unique animated compositions
- Very easy to use even for beginners
- Perfect fit for any your project
- Works for all language of After Effects
- Links on video footage is included
- Videos that used in preview are authorized for use under Creative Commons Internet.

Tú Thanh
Tôi là một người có đam mê cực độ với phim và nhiếp ảnh. Rất vui vì đã được làm quen với các bạn ^_^
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