Glitch Transitions, Presets, Titles, Logos, Assets, Sound FX Pack
Glitch Transitions, Presets, Titles, Logos, Assets, Sound FX Pack
Resizable | Version Premiere Pro CC | 1870 mb
- The advantage of using presets is that by importing them once, you can always use them. The project contains more than 300 glitch presets in two sections: composite and FX. Composite presets create a complete transition. FX presets make it possible to assemble a unique transition in pieces, adding the effects you need. FX presets contain categories: Aberrations, Flicker, Glare, Motion, Roll, Spread, Warp.
- All presets are presented in three speed variations: Soft, Normal, Dense. The modular structure of the presets allows you to choose what you need. Use the input and output together, or one of these. Combine different In and Out to get your unique result. The project also contains serial presets that add a periodic glitch effect on your video.
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